

宪法概念中的“残留权力”是指在宪法中已经明确列举的特定权力后,剩下的权力。这些剩余的权力通常包括那些在一般授权方面缺乏明确规定的领域,并由立法机构进一步确定。 一个例子可能是一个选举政府提议关于环境保护监管的新法律。这可能会涉及到需要一些形式的权力,但不属于现有宪法明确规定的内容,因此就产生了“残留权力”。然后,行政机关或其他相关行政部门将不得不在此基础上制定相应的法规。 这个例子只是宪法框架内如何运用和应用剩余权力的一个简要说明。实践中,许多不同的场景都可能适用这些剩下的权力,例如定义司法管辖范围或创建独特的立法程序机制等等。 Certainly! Here's an example of how "residual powers" could be applied in practice across different scenarios:

Scenario Remaining Power Application Example
Defining Jurisdictional Limits for the Judiciary (Example 1) A constitutional amendment that outlines broad jurisdictional limits, but specific details are left to further determination by the legislature. This could lead to residual powers being applied to establish the exact scope of jurisdiction for specific courts or legal cases.
Creating Unique Legislative Procedures (Example 2) A provision in the constitution allows for certain legislative procedures not explicitly detailed in other parts of the document, leaving room for administrative agencies and lower levels of government to develop tailored processes as needed. This could include creating special forums or committees focused on specific issues that don't fit within standard legislative frameworks.
Defining Rights to Self-Determination (Example 3) A constitutional provision recognizing inherent rights of self-determination may leave some aspects undefined, requiring the executive branch and other government entities to apply residual powers to determine the extent of implementation in particular regions or communities, addressing unique situations that are not covered by universal norms.
Establishing International Treaties and Agreements (Example 4) When a constitution specifies rights regarding international treaties but does not include detailed instructions on how these agreements should be ratified or enforced across different jurisdictions, this would leave residual powers to the executive branch and other state organs to interpret and implement international obligations in compliance with domestic laws.

This approach demonstrates that "residual powers" allow for flexibility within a constitution by providing tools for various governmental bodies to adapt existing frameworks to new, specific contexts without needing explicit constitutional amendments every time such scenarios arise.
