

“Yes Means Yes”:理解加拿大性侵法中的同意

想象一下一个派对,Sarah 和 John 玩得很开心,跳舞并交谈。他们似乎都对对方感兴趣。当晚上进行到一半时,他们独自一人跑到卧室里。John 开始亲吻 Sarah,而她回应也亲吻他。事情发展迅速,John 开始脱掉 Sarah 的衣服。

就在这时,Sarah 说:“我不太确定了。” 她试图推开 John,但他继续前进。Sarah 感到压力和害怕,所以保持沉默。后来,在跟朋友讲述这晚经历时,她说:“感觉不对劲,但我不想闹事。”



1. 自愿给出: 同意不能是被强迫或胁迫获得的。这包括来自身体力量、威胁、操纵、酒精或药物中毒的压力,或者任何情况下,个人感到无法说不而不会受到负面后果的情形。在我们的例子中,Sarah 的犹豫和试图推开 John 明确表明她并不舒服继续下去。

2. 知情: 同意需要对性活动的性质和程度有明确的了解。这意味着知道正在发生的事情并且能够做出关于它的知觉决定。

3. 持续进行: 同意不是一次性的协议。它必须在任何性互动过程中得到更新。如果某人随时改变主意,另一方必须立即停止。 在我们的例子中,Sarah 的最初回应并不构成持续同意,尤其是在她表达不舒服之后。






##  "Yes Means Yes": Understanding Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law
Feature Description Example from the Story Legal Implication
Voluntariness Consent must be freely given, without pressure, coercion, or threats. Sarah hesitated and tried to push John away when he started removing her clothes. This indicates Sarah was not consenting freely and felt pressured.
Knowledge Consent requires a clear understanding of the nature and extent of the sexual activity. Sarah might not have been fully aware of the potential consequences of continuing with John. It's crucial for all parties to understand what is happening and be able to make informed decisions.
Ongoing Consent Consent must be continuously given throughout a sexual encounter. A person can withdraw consent at any time. Sarah initially responded positively but later expressed discomfort. Even if there was initial agreement, John should have stopped when Sarah indicated she no longer consented.
Silence or Passivity ≠ Consent Not saying "no" does not automatically mean "yes." Sarah's silence while feeling pressured doesn't constitute consent. It's essential to clearly communicate consent verbally and non-verbally throughout the interaction.

Consequences of Violating Consent:

Resources for Support:


Understanding consent is crucial for building respectful and safe relationships. Let's work together to create a society where everyone feels confident saying "yes" or "no" without fear.
