人工智能技术迅速发展,但其训练过程也引发了关于版权的热烈讨论。加拿大法院目前正在审理一批关键案例,这些案件的核心问题是:使用他人作品作为 AI 模型训练数据的行为是否构成侵权?
传统的出版模式中,出版社需要获得作者许可才能重新出版文章。然而,AI 系统的“学习”过程更像是一种数据摄入,而非传统出版。它们会吞噬大量文本数据,并从中提取模式。 这引出一个全新的法律难题:这种 AI 模型训练的数据获取是否属于现有的版权豁免范畴,例如“公平使用”?
如果法院认定数据提取用于训练的目的构成侵权,这可能会对 AI 开发者产生深远影响。他们可能需要获得许可证,实施更严格的过滤措施,或者大幅减少所使用的训练数据量。反之,如果法院承认某种形式的“默许许可”或“公平使用”例外,这将使开发者拥有更大的创新空间,但同时也可能会削弱内容所有者控制自己作品使用的权利。
加拿大现行版权法和“公平使用”原则 Historically, Canadian copyright law and its fair dealing exceptions have provided a somewhat flexible framework. For example, fair dealing for research, private study, or education has historically permitted a variety of limited uses that, while technically "copying," serve the public interest by improving access to knowledge. But do AI models operate as part of “research” or “education”? Should courts interpret fair dealing in a way that accommodates machine-driven data ingestion, given that no human directly reads every line of the text involved?
The evolution of these doctrines may hinge on how judges perceive the purpose and effect of AI training. If courts view AI training as an indirect but vital form of research or transformative use, they might carve out new doctrinal space for such practices. If they see it as a commercial shortcut that exploits creators’ investments, the decisions could swing the other way.